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BRD Iasi

BRD este o banca puternica, cu o traditie de peste 90 de ani in Romania. Modelul implementat de Société Générale la BRD in urma privatizarii din 1999 se axeaza pe 3 activitati principale: retail banking, corporate & investment banking si servicii specializate.

In BRD gasesti oameni inovativi, responsabili, cu spirit de echipa si angajament, care au construit o banca solida. Nu ai cum sa te plictisesti, fiindca dincolo de responsabilitatile pe care le ai, poti initia tu insuti proiecte, dovedindu-ti creativitatea si angajamentul.

Te vom incuraja sa fii mai bun in tot ceea ce faci, sa evoluezi profesional, sa ai parte de provocari care sa te motiveze sa-ti atingi multe dintre aspiratii.  Cariera ta poate fi si internationala prin optiunile de mobilitate geografica si functionala care le sunt oferite angajatilor Grupului. Suntem atenti la gestiunea carierei si oferim pachete de beneficii, pe langa salariul de baza. De asemenea, oferim o gama larga de oportunitati de dezvoltare prin programe de formare profesionala si implicare in proiecte complexe. 


BRD is a strong bank with over 90 years of tradition of Romania. With our 7500 employees in more than 750 units across the country, we stand by our clients, be they young, seniors, companies, employees or entrepreneurs.
BRD Groupe Societe Generale is the thirdlargest bank in Romania by assets and the fifth market capitalization on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. As a successor of the National Company for Industrial Credit, created in 1 923, it fulfilled the function of investment bank for the Romanian State before being granted, in 1990, a universal banking license. In 1999, Societe Generale became the majority shareholder of the bank, helping it become a major player of the Romanian banking market.
BRD has 2.3 million customers on three main business lines: retail and SMEs, large corporations and investment banking. lts range of products and services covers, beyond classic financing, also cash management, internal and external factoring, financial and operational leasing.
Since 1999, BRD has created around it a financial group which offers, in cooperation with Societe Generale business lines, expertise in:
investment banking, mergers and acquisitions or structured finance,
asset management (BRD Asset Management),
consumer loans (BRD Finance),
financial leasing (BRD Sogelease),

operational leasing (ALD Automotive).

BRD is also present on the market of private pensions and life insurance through its subsidiaries BRD Pensii and BRD Asigurări de Viaţă. 
BRD is the Romanian market leader in syndicated loans and factoring.